Home: New beginnings

Here we go. I have been stalling long enough on this here blog. Is that what this is going to be I wonder-   a blog, a space to upload the gazillion photos that I take on the weekends, a journal of my cooking journeys both here in Niagara and beyond?

The control-enthusiast in me had wanted to get really clear on what this space was going to be before hitting “publish”- but I have decided that 2017 is a year of following my heart and addressing my longing for days in the kitchen culminating in dinner parties with friends- no matter if the picture, or dinner, is perfect.

So, welcome friends. Here are a few of my plans for 2017:

  1. attend a cooking course here in Niagara
  2. attend a cooking courses at Ballymaloe (Ireland!) or in France! or Italy!
  3. learn more about my favourite Niagara purveyors (hello cheese, wine, bread, butter-tarts)
  4. throw some helluva fun dinner parties at the farmhouse!

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